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In a bid to stay ahead of competitors Barristas are constantly looking for fresh and exciting ways to re-invent coffee. Some of these latest trends are perfect for social media sharing and a perfect way to differentiate your brand and get people talking

Here are our top picks…


Coffee in a cone is exactly what the names says. Serve your coffee, either a Cappuccino or an Espresso in a chocolate coated Ice-Cream cone. The concept was developed by Dayne Levinrad, a marketing executive and Barista at The Grind Company in Johannesburg and it has brought some much needed innovation and excitement into the coffee industry worldwide. 


 A healthy alternative to the classic latte, hipsters and indies alike will lap this up.

It’s brewed with ginger, coconut milk, lemon agave and live E3 blue algae powder. This vegan ‘smurf’ is packed full of powerful antioxidants derived from the algae which means that there is no need for the caffeine to perk you up. It’s more than just a pretty face with over 65 vitamins, enzymes and minerals mixed together to make it super healthy. The ones lucky enough to try it describe it as a ‘prominently sweet, gingery taste before the drink succumbed to a funky sourness that lingered long after the last sip.’


This brew has taken New York City by storm and is catching on globally.  Whisked egg yolks are mixed with condensed milk and poured over espresso! Don’t be alarmed it sounds a bit strange but is totally delicious. It’s probably sweeter than what you’re used to, making it an ideal dessert alternative.

Brew a small cup of Vietnamese coffee (available from most premium delicatessens). Crack an egg and discard the whites. Put the yolk and sweetened condensed milk into a small, deep bowl and whisk vigorously until you end up with a frothy, fluffy mixture. Add a tablespoon of the brewed coffee and whisk it in. In a clear coffee cup (for aesthetics), pour in your brewed coffee, then add the fluffy egg mixture on top. Serve, drink and enjoy!


Then there are some that are taking coffee decoration to entirely new levels. Adding a bit of colour to the milk froth and a whole load of talent, your coffee can become a masterpiece and certainly something that will get your guests talking.

Feel inspired? Great. Get creative, dare to be different and make your customers happy, and let them do your social media marketing for you. Or simply try it for yourself at home and enjoy!

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