By Elisabeth Hodgson

SKU: 5117 Category:

R115.00 (Excl VAT)

Retail prices excluding local 15% VAT

Product Description

This meat thermometer will give you accurate temperature of meat while cooking, braaing or smoking to ensure a perfectly cooked dish every time. Insert the thermometer tip at least 5cm into the thickest part of meat near the centre, away from the bone or fat. Remove meat from oven, braai or smoker when desired temperature is reached.

In the detail

  • Polished stainless steel
  • Length: Dial +/- 50mm diameter
  • Dishwasher safe
  • Accuracy: ?1.5 degree Celsius
  • Temperature range: 60 – 87 degree Celsius in 5 degree Celsius increments
  • Dimensions: 125L x 80H x 10W mm


Using the correct kitchen tools when cooking makes the task so much easier. It is this very belief that has inspired Elisabeth Hodgson Kitchen to offer the public premium-quality kitchen utensils and tools since 1974. At EHK, they value tradition, consistency and, most importantly, quality, meaning every EHK product you buy has passed a rigorous testing process to ensure only the best of classic kitchen tools gets delivered to your door. So, kit out your kitchen with EHK’s host of beautifully designed, wood and stainless steel kitchen accessories.

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By Elisabeth Hodgson Enquiry

SKU: 5117




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