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The restaurant and tourism sector stood in solidarity around South Africa last week to protest thousands of job losses caused by Lockdown, the 9pm curfew, the ban on alcohol, and delays in UIF pay-outs.

The unreasonably stringent and extremely confusing Lockdown regulations have the Industry on its knees. Many restaurants have had to close their doors permanently. Those that are limping ahead in an effort to survive, have had to lay off many staff. For several weeks, the industry has been at loggerheads with government, particularly over the banning of alcohol, which forms a crucial part of their revenue.

“Considering the ban on alcohol sales and on-site consumption at restaurants, we are demanding a rebate of liquor licence fees.”

Restaurant Association of South Africa

“Without immediate action, these losses are likely to be permanent”

The Restaurant Collective

“Up to 70% of jobs may have already been lost in the industry.”

Restaurant Association of South Africa

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